How To Create A Social Media Content Calendar

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First of all why do you need a content calendar?

  • To Organize ideas
  • Plan the work
  • Schedule posts
  • Track progress
  • Measure efficiency

Step 1- Define your goal :

  • Build awareness
  • Drive traffic
  • Generate leads
  • Get more followers
  • Build authority

Step 2- Choose channels :

  • Instagram
  • FaceBook
  • Linkedin
  • Twitter
  • Snapchat

Pro Tip It is not essential to have a presence on each and every network; rather, you should concentrate on the platforms on which your audience spends the majority of their time and provide content that is engaging and relevant to them.

Step 3- Define the Types of Content :

  • Carousel
  • Text
  • Image with Text
  • Audio
  • Video Snippet
  • Audio Snippet
  • Threads

Determine the kind of content that would be appropriate for a channel. For example, carousels can be used on Instagram and Linkedin, and photos can be used quite effectively on Instagram.

Step 4- Content mix :

  • Informative
  • Promotional
  • Trending

[80/20 rule] says that you can keep 80% of your content

informative and 20% promotional to directly talk about

your products/services

Step 5- Define Design Guidelines :

  • Font Style
  • Font Size
  • Colour Specifications
  • Background
  • Pattern

Step 6- Publishing Schedule :

  • Date
  • Time
  • Day

Step 7- Engagement Strategy :

  • Hashtag strategy
  • Collaboration with other creators
  • Engagement tactics (Ouiz, Contest, etc)

Step 8- Define KPI :

  • Impressions
  • Likes, comments, shares
  • Engagement rate
  • Audience growth rate

Recommended Tools :

  • Hootsuite – schedule posts
  • Buffer -schedule posts
  • Publer collaborate and schedule
  • Inflact – Hashtag research
  • CANVA- for designing
  • Bitly URL shortening
  • Notion Plan and track your work
  • Google Sheet Track your work

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